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1 wed Bar&Restaurant 2 thu Bar&Restaurant 3 fri Bar&Restaurant 4 sat Bar&Restaurant 5 sun Bar&Restaurant 6 mon Close 7 tue キューバ音楽を演奏する日本人デュオ、ドスソネスデコラソネスが4月もやってきます! キューバ人も認める確かな演奏と楽しいトークでキューバ音楽初心者の方から通の方まで全てのお客様に楽しんでいただけるライブです!キューバ人スタッフのいるキューバの雰囲気の中で聴けば手軽にトロピカルアイランドキューバにショートトリップできますよ!
ご予約は、お名前と参加人数を、お店に直接お電話(03-3444-2525)いただくか、 にメールをお願いします。
open 18:30 start 19:30
Traditional Cuban music ambassadors in Japan, Japanese Duo, Dos Sones de Corazones coming soon to play again at the Cuban spot in Tokyo, CAFE LA VIDA. Lively performance where you can enjoy it as if you were in a small trip to the tropical island, Cuba, without leaving Japan. Cuban music, Cuban staff, nice mojitos, delicious Cuban food. Only at CAFE LA VIDA you can make this dream come true. We are waiting for you. Join the party!
For reservation, please give your name and number of participants here, or call directly to the restaurant (03-3444-2525) or e-mail to Date and time: April 7th (Tuesday) Open 18:30 Start 19:30 Location: CAFE LA VIDA Music charge: 2800 yen
ARTIST'S INFORMATION 8 wed Bar&Restaurant 9 thu Bar&Restaurant 10 fri Bar&Restaurant 11 sat Bar&Restaurant 12 sun Bar&Restaurant 13 mon Close 14 tue Bar&Restaurant 15 wed Bar&Restaurant 16 thu Bar&Restaurant 17 fri Bar&Restaurant 18 sat Bar&Restaurant 19 sun Bar&Restaurant 20 mon Close 21 tue Bar&Restaurant 22 wed Bar&Restaurant 23 thu Bar&Restaurant 24 fri Bar&Restaurant 25 sat Bar&Restaurant 26 sun Bar&Restaurant 27 mon Close 28 tue Bar&Restaurant 29 wed Bar&Restaurant 30 thu Bar&Restaurant
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